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Alpha & Omega Freedom Ministries, Inc.
102 W. Carlton Street Wauchula, FL 33873
(863) 773-5717
A Home Where Hearts Are Healed!

Sarasota networking group "Connection Corner" sponsored and planted a new hedge of beautiful palms for Hannah's House. Thank you for your support and hard work.

We want to thank everyone that had a part in this project, especially Kim Burch who got us started, Liz Samol and Chris Price helped with paint and putting up scriptures on the wall. One of our clients volunteered who painted all the hallways, the formal dining area and bedroom details and that beautiful door. Another client helped with the teal room-not pictured. We can not forget that Timmy Clewis and George Garland fixed many broken things, hung shelves and pictures-much more. We also would like to thank Tim and Tony for getting the grounds around the house in better shape. Anita Rogers finished the flower beds around the house.

We had a couple of weeks that we had no one in the shelter--first time ever! so we decided that it needed a facelift! For instance, in the formal dining room, the paint was dark red. We lightened up both dining rooms with lavender paint and we also put scripture throughout the entire house.

The beige and teal room was repainted with a faux finish to look Mediterranean style.
Pink Bedroom

Our living area got some newer furniture, changed out the drapes that were in there, moved a faux fireplace, and added art plus more scriptures.
We even updated the mother-in-law suite with new furniture, art pieces and more storage. We updated the bathroom as well and her bedroom.

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